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Disc Problem Relief in Oak Creek

person pointing at a spine modelWhile there’s no such thing as a slipped disc, bulging, protruding, and herniated discs are very real, as is the pain they may cause. The spine consists of 24 vertebrae stacked on top of each other to create the spinal column. Between each vertebra is a soft cushion called a disc. It consists of two parts—on the inside is a jelly-like material, and the outer covering is made of annular fibers to help absorb pressure and keep the bones from rubbing against each other.

Each vertebra is connected to the others by groups of ligaments. These tissue bands connect bones to bones; tendons connect muscles to bones. Some tendons fasten muscles to the vertebrae. The spinal column joints are called facet joints, which link the vertebrae together, giving them the flexibility to move against each other.

Healthy discs allow us to have the flexibility to turn and bend with ease. Issues such as problems with the curvature of the spine (scoliosis), pregnancy, excessive weight, improper lifting, slips, falls, and car accidents may cause this core to shift, allowing the following disc issues to arise:

  • Herniation: occurs when the central portion of the disc ruptures
  • Protrusion: a common cause of back discomfort from the disc bulging out where it’s the weakest, resulting in pressure on nearby nerves
  • Prolapse: happens when a spinal disc escapes from between the vertebrae of the spine
Our skilled practitioner helps relieve the back discomfort and numbness, tingling, and radiating pain that often accompanies a disc injury. This condition may be detrimental to your overall health and, if left untreated, could potentially lead to permanent damage to the structures controlled by those nerves.

Tools, Techniques, and Therapies

Damaged intervertebral discs seldom heal because they remain under constant pressure, even while at rest. At Evolved Chiropractic, we have several options to relieve your disc issue. These include Diversified or Thompson Drop Technique adjustments, manual decompression, and stretching.

Decompression takes the pressure of the vertebrae off the disc, giving it room to move so it can slip back into place. Once the pressure on the disc is relieved, it allows fluids, nutrients, and oxygen to flow back into the disc. This nutrient exchange helps the body’s natural rebuilding process, accelerates repair, and eventually heals damaged spinal discs.

Some patients notice relief after just one adjustment, but on average, most people start to see some relief in about a week. Again, it varies for each person depending on their age and condition. A home exercise regimen, primarily focusing on your core, strengthens the area and helps you brace yourself so these types of injuries don’t happen again in the future.

Try Chiropractic First

Chiropractic is a holistic and natural solution that can address various disc problems. This drug-free method of care helps improve joint mechanics and reduces inflammation. Adjustments may help restore proper motion and position of malfunctioning spinal bones. If addressed before permanent damage occurs, disc tissue often returns to its normal size and shape.

While many disc problems are due to years of neglect, people with spinal issues might not experience symptoms until they’re in an advanced stage of degeneration. Many older adults who have maintained their spine throughout their lives still enjoy optimal spinal health and function.

Depending on the severity of your disc conditions, chiropractic care may delay or prevent surgery. That’s why it’s a good idea to start with chiropractic first, as it’s a natural and non-invasive method to provide the relief you seek.

Getting Results

One client came in after suffering from bulging discs for over two years! She did PT most of that time with slight improvement, but could never get pain-free. Her nervous system was overwhelmed, affecting her sleep, energy, and mental and digestive health due to stress. The discs caused her to alter her walk to alleviate the pain, leading to abnormal wear on her body, contributing to the degeneration in her SI joints, and causing discomfort in both her ankles and knees. Under examination, Dr. Jon discovered bulging discs from T12-L5 and degenerative changes starting in her left sacroiliac (SI) joint. We created an appropriate care plan for her.

After consistent care, she’s pain-free, sleeping well, going on long walks daily, playing with her grandchildren, doing yard work, and even doing yoga! Her digestive complaints have also improved since removing the pressure on those nerves. She finally found relief after spending years in discomfort and regained her life.

Book an Appointment

If you suspect a disc problem, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Disc Problem Relief Oak Creek, Franklin, South Milwaukee WI | (414) 667-2838